Develop your abdominal muscles! Practice different variations of “Navasana”, the Yoga boat on your back. Be prepared for a more strenous, but very beneficial Yoga Workout. Practice these exercises at least once a week- your back will be grateful! More on Yoga Exercises for your abs: Demonstrated by Yoga Teacher/Yoga Therapist Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev […]
Archiv für den Monat: Januar 2010
Kundalini Yoga Seminare
Du liebst die Welt des Hatha Yoga, bist fasziniert von Asanas und besonders auch Pranayama? Dann bist du hier richtig. Kundalini Yoga, der Yoga der Energie, ist ein wunderbarer Yoga-Weg, um dein Prana (deine Lebensenergie) zu erhöhen, dein Bewusstsein zu erweitern und dir zu helfen, dein gesamtes Potential zu erweitern. Mehr Kreativität, mehr Energie sorgen […]
my_yoga_vidya: Discussion: Astral traveling – yoga techniques and experiences: Certainly not, this was just rhe..
We are one in the spirit
Janin und Andreas singen das Lied „We are one in the Spirit“. Live-Aufnahme im Satsang im Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg.…
Lichtkraft und Weisheit – Vortrag mit Sukadev
Sukadev referiert über den Ausspruch von Swami Sivananda “ Einfach leben, erhaben denken.“ Vortrag im Rahmen eines Satsangs im Haus Yoga Vidya. Weitere Videos, Asanaanleitungen, Mant…
my_yoga_vidya: Discussion: Astral traveling – yoga techniques and experiences: Certainly not, this was just rhe..
Astral traveling – yoga techniques and experiences
Certainly not, this was just rhetoricaly meant. I am disappointed about the representation of Yoga today. But I accept this and end this discussion as it is useless.
Yogananda and others were able to do many things which appear strange to western people and totaly normal to eastern people.
Suche Harmonium, Kaufe Harmonium
Hallo ! Ich suche ein Harmonium, von BINA oder anderen hochwertigen Herstellern. Wer hat eines und möchte seines verkaufen?
vielen Dank und bis bald…
my_yoga_vidya: New Video: Strengthen your Abdominal Muscles: Develop your abdominal muscles! Practice different..
Strengthen your Abdominal Muscles
YouTube – Strengthen your Abdominal Muscles
Develop your abdominal muscles! Practice different variations of "Navasana", the Yoga boat on your back. Be prepared for a more strenous, but very beneficial Yoga Workout. Practice these exercises at least once a week- your back will be grateful! More on Yoga Exercises for your abs: . Demonstrated by Yoga Teacher/Yoga Therapist Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya Germany.
Strengthen your Abdominal Muscles
Develop your abdominal muscles! Practice different variations of „Navasana“, the Yoga boat on your back. Be prepared for a more strenous, but very beneficial Yoga Workout. Practice the…
Der Yoga-Löwe
YouTube – Der Yoga-Löwe
Brülle wie ein Löwe – lass deine Spannungen los. Janin zeigt die Hatha
Yoga Übung Simhasana in einer einfachen, auch für Anfänger geeigneten
Variation. Mehr Infos zur Simhasanana . . Sprecher Sukadev Bretz,