Yoga Vidya Köln Newsletter April 2010

Liebe Yoginis und Yogis,

wir informieren Euch mit unserem monatlichen Newsletter über Kurse, Workshops und Ausbildungen zum Frühling.

Am Samstag, 10. April 2010, von 10 – 17 Uhr findet der Workshop
„Fußreflexzonenmassage“ mit Bhajan Noam statt. Du kannst Dich damit
genauer über die im Mai startende Fußreflexzonenmassageausbildung
informieren. Diese Ausbildung findet statt: vom 14. – 20. Mai 2010 (in
Köln) und vom 10. – 13. Juni (in Bad Meinberg).

Sometimes I hush up things in my mind. I get mental torments thereby. What shall I do to get rid of this habit?

You must be frank and as simple as a child. Then only you will get the divine light. You
will grow spiritually. Even if it is a horrible crime, you must admit it before a Guru. Then only
you will get his sympathy and protection. By admitting your faults before others, you remove the
effects of bad actions. It serves as a Prayaschitta or expiatory action.

From „May I answer that“ by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963).…

Knowledge and ignorance THE HINDU

Chennai: Many of us might have wondered if we were around when the Lord took avataras like the Rama avatara and Krishna avatara. Maybe we were, but we are still on this earth now, to wonder thus, only because of our ignorance. If, when we had been born many times earlier, we had had knowledge about the nature of the atma and how to reach the feet of Lord Narayana, then we would not be here again, said M.A. Venkatakrishnan in a discourse.
Until we realise who we are, and…

Karma and Jnana

CHENNAI: The Vedas are the highest Knowledge and are eternal like God. They exist for the benefit of mankind. The truths they convey are revelations. The Vedas speak of rituals and sacrifices, kinds of worship and prayers, duties and conduct, values of life, etc., that provide a guideline to an individual’s personal, social and cultural life. Together, these portions are called Karma Kanda. The Upanishads, which contain the essence of the knowledge portion of the Vedas,…


Allan, a woodcutter, was employed in a timber company for ten years, yet he never got a raise. The company
later hired Richard to do the same job. However,
Richard got a raise within the first twelve months.
Allan was disappointed and decided to approach the
management of the company. He was told that his
production had never increased over the last ten years.
On the other hand Richard had cut more trees in the
period of one year. The company however promised to
give All…